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Blanaevon Pit's Annual Mining Gala
For Blaneavon's Pit's Annual Mining Gala, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson took over Swordtail Studios in Haggerstone for two nights to celebrate another fine year for the Welsh mine. Celebrations however, did not go to plan as a murder and a march against Sir Jeffrey's treatment of his workers temporarily dampened festivities.

From intrepid explorers discovering a secret old lift shaft, to a famous loyal painter presenting a gift to a Royal guest to the ever resourceful Stamp Dealer, Mr Second Class running an illegal gambling den, the gala attracted a huge array of quirky, prestigious and suspicious individuals.
Whilst, ultimately succumbing to a premature death, it did not stop Sir Jeffrey from putting on a truly entertaining and exquisite evening for all his guests, complete with live music, a tour of the mine, a two course meal, speeches and even taro readings from a local healer.

After the murder, concerned guests frantically looked for clues hoping to catch the culprit(s). There were lot of accusations thrust around with many fingers pointing to local gangster Aled Caponwyth and the famous Jockey and son of Sir Jeffrey, Stuart.
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the guests, both nights only one astute individual would guess the culprit. What happened to the guests after this? Well, not to be let murder curtail festivities, they headed after to a speakeasy for an excited debrief and boogie. As for Blaenavon Pit? Who knows what will happen to the mine, but one things for sure, no mining gala will ever be quite like the events of this September. You can see footage of how the evening unfolded below.

Shlomita's Murder Mystery Batmitzvah
In a magnificent evening of speeches, dancing, and music, guests at this event got the full Batmitzvah experience, all whilst being immersed in a murder mystery event. Over 80 people attended, and everyone was a character, with a role to play in solving the mystery.

Morris and Merrissa were incredibly nervous on the night of their daughter, Shlomita's, Batmitzvah. There are many things that can go wrong with party planning, but on top of this they had to deal with the teenage angst that naturally came with Shlomita's ascendance to womanhood. However all of these worries paled in comparison to the horror that occurred on the night...

We transformed the Loko Club's abandoned railway tunnels into a synagogue space, had a klezmer band's accordion humming throughout the night, and broke off from the main event-space to have a 3 course meal next door.

Miss Marple's Treasure Hunt
After an extremely rare and valuable red bus goes missing, the famous detective, Miss Marple, is sought out to help retrieve it. The mystery would take her across the Bristol cityscape from dusty library bookshelves to the airwaves of a local radio station in pursuit of the elusive artefact. After a scintillating hour and half hunt. Miss Maple and her team managed to retrieve the missing item to the drop off location just before the deadline.

Treasure hunts can encourage people to experience the city in a new way by exploring the unexplored and re-examining the familiar. A cafe or dry cleaners you pass everyday takes on new meaning when marked as a potential clue. Treasure hunts are about unlocking different perspectives of the city by using the city, its buildings and people as a canvas for mystery. Subsequent quests have taken a similar approach, delivering a range of innovative clues from coded walkie-talkie conversations to cryptic Sudoku puzzles hidden in phone-booths.
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